Indoor Gardening Tips To Beautify Your Condo

When you buy a Mr C Residences new construction condo, you'll get so many benefits. Beautifully designed homes, an amazing location and more are all yours here. Of course, in a condo you won't have a large garden to tend to. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy plants and gardening, as indoor gardening is just as rewarding. Here are some tips to help you beautify your new Mr C Residences condo with plants and flowers.

Consider Your Space Before Picking Plants

When you're gardening indoors, of course you're going to need to consider how much space you have. As spacious as your Mr C Residences pre construction home is, it won't have the space that a full garden has. This is going to affect the plants that you can successfully grow indoors.

Lots of plants need more space than you'll be able to give them. For example, if you're growing edible plants, then tomatoes won't work. They need up to 10 feet in height to grow properly. Instead, you can go with herbs, strawberries and figs, as they need much less space.

Ensure They Get Enough Light

All plants need enough light to grow, and you're in luck as your Mr C Residences new construction home is located in the Sunshine State. It always pays to research your plant and see how much light it will need. That way, you can put it in the right spot so they can get all that sun.

Also, don't forget to dust your plants. As they're indoors, dust will settle on the plants just as it will on everything else. This will affect their ability to photosynthesise, so you'll need to wipe them down regularly.

Improve Humidity Levels

Again, as you're moving to a Mr C Residences home, you'd think that there would be enough humidity for your plants. After all, you're in Florida. However, indoors that's not going to be the case. With the AC removing humidity from the air, you'll need to replace those humidity levels for your plants.

A good way of doing this is to put pebbles into a saucer, and then fill with water. Place your pots on the pebbles, making sure the water doesn't touch the bottom of the pot. You can also run a vaporizer or humidifier too to help your plants.

Use Less Water

Many beginner gardeners make the mistake of overwatering their plants. They worry about them getting water as they're in their home rather than outdoors, and then go overboard. This is especially true in winter, when plants actually need less water.

If you have plants in your Mr C Residences pre construction home, remember that less is more. A good rule of thumb is that the soil should be dry around 2” down, not just at the top. If it's still wet, then it doesn't need to be watered.

Use Fertilizer At The Right Time

Your indoor plants in your Mr C Residences new construction home will follow the seasons, just as they would in the wild. You'll need to pay attention to this when you're caring for them. For example, in the winter they won't need any fertilizer as they're dormant. Come February, you'll need to use a little fertilizer to help them produce new growth.

Don't Forget To Prune Your Plants

Just like outdoor plants, your plants in your Mr C Residences home will need to be pruned come the late winter. Cutting away old growth will encourage new growth to come in in the spring, and keep those plants healthy.

Refresh The Soil

When you're keeping plants in your Mr C Residences pre construction home rather than in a flower bed, you have to remember that they'll get so many nutrients from the soil. If they're in a pot, then at some point they're going to tap the soil out.

You can help by refreshing the soil every year. Simply remove the plant from the pot, trim the root ball back, and then put back in a clean pot with fresh soil.

Try Out Vertical Gardening

As your plants will be sharing space with the rest of your Mr C Residences new construction home, you'll need to be creative with space. If you need some extra room for your plants, then you have the option of using vertical gardening.

You can pick up vertical gardening stands which help you stack more plants in the same vertical space, but let you have more plants. These are especially great if you're growing edible plants. You can also go for a trellis, which helps train climbing plants and keep them in place.

Don't Forget About Pests

It's easy to think you won't have pest issues when you're planting indoors. Even if you though your potting soil was sterile, there's always a chance something nasty can get in and start harming your plants. For example, fungus gnats will feed on plants and eventually kill them.

You can pick up several organic pesticides, such as neem oil, which will protect your plants against pests, without causing any problems for you in your home. Keep an eye out for pests, so you can stop the problem if it starts.

It's easy to get into indoor gardening if you know how. Use these tips to help you grow happy, healthy plants in your new condo. They'll help add to the ambiance and will always look fantastic.


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